Welcome to all new Artist:Horses!
We're so excited to get your work in the homes of collectors and grow our community!
To get started with onboarding here's a checklist:
✅ Sign up on the artcollectorhorse.com site (you've done this cause you're here)
✅ Join Artist and Collector groups
✅ Agree to Artist terms and conditions (sent separately)
✅ Provide Artist pic and short bio
✅ Select first artwork to circulate with curator Nate ( box size is 36 x 5 x 42 so has to fit framed inside that with extra space)
✅ Pick up to 3 reserve artworks
✅ Provide artwork info in form (sent separately) for wall label
✅ Write short description on each artwork's process
✅ Write short description on each artwork's concept
✅ Record a video talking about the circulating artwork(s) (Nate will guide you on this)
✅ Write introductory blog post for Collectors
✅ Earn Points by engaging with the community, participating in ACH events, and completing tasks
✅ Spend points to get perks, including higher Placement Fee percentages for an artwork
[Did I miss anything? -N]